Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wild and unexpected ride

Growing up I was sold a bill of goods.  Life is a straight, paved road and if you do what you are "supposed" to do and work hard and keep your head down, it will be good, safe, happy.  Ha!  I now know that the road is winding and bumpy and the surface underneath me is often unpredictable.  Much of that realization began when my marriage broke up. And from that I have learned to embrace the unexpected nature of life.  To love it.  I have learned I want to keep my head up, face turned to the sun.  I want to skip sometimes, run sometimes and sit and ponder which fork to take. 

But then there are the detours...

This one caught me WAY off guard.  It knocked me off my center.  I have been questioning where I find value in who I am and how I feel about myself.  Could it possibly be so delicately entwined with my ability to exercise and with the way I look?  Lots to explore.  It's gonna be a yet another wild ride that's for damn sure.  


Lauren said...

I'm hoping you will discover how much worth you have to those who love you whether or not you can work out! As an aside, I'm also hopeful you won't kill us in the meantime by making up for your lack of exercise by making our workouts insanely hard!

Maria Amendolia said...

the discoveries are already proving to be interesting and worthwhile, Lauren. Thanks!! And what would make you think I would make your workouts harder? ;-)

Unknown said...

Beautifully and courageously written Maria. Thank you for sharing your journey!

Maria Amendolia said...

It is because of friends like you that I have the desire and the courage to share :)

Francesca said...

Proud of you, as always. Xoxo

Maria Amendolia said...

Thanks F :-)